Homer Ave. United Methodist Church
30 Homer Ave. Cortland, NY 13045 (607) 756-7222
About Us
What is a church? At Homer Avenue, we believe that "church" is much more than just a building. Our church is comprised of many unique and beautiful personalities; all coming together to love and support one another in a common purpose: to build each other up in a deep and true relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are a faith-based group of believers who want "to make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world".
Our Pastor:
Pastor Steph Brown
Cell phone: (607) 857-3556
Mon. 9 am – 12:30 pm, Wed. 8:00am – 11:30 am, & Thurs. 9 am – Noon. Pastor Steph is in the office on Monday & Wednesday mornings or by appointment.
The church office phone number is (607) 756-7222.
Pastor’s cell phone number is (607)-857-3556.
Homer Ave. United Methodist Church:
Is in the Finger Lakes District unyumc.org/district/fingerlakes
Which is part of the Upper New York Conference unyumc.org
United Methodist Church umc.org